Image Display in Terminal
Java Code Generator
Generate Java code using UML class diagrams
Generate code for classes (class, abstract, interface), properties, methods, getters, and setters
Parse the XML of the UML diagram into a style tree and convert into syntax tree
Future feature includes using OpenCV (computer vision) for code generation on any UML class diagram
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Stock Dashboard
Python, Flask, SQLite
View aggregate information on any public company using its ticker symbol
Information provided by the dashboard includes business summary, company news, financial statements and more
Information is gathered by web scraping of various static and dynamic sites
Dashboard includes authentication and authorization with registered user features
Click here to view video demo
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MongoDb, Express, React, Node, Python
Finds the overlapping area of two locations and the meeting places that fall within that area (currently only for Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)
Uses isochrone contours to find the overlapping areas
Consume the MapQuest API for geocoding and the MapBox API for the isochrone contours
Python used for the inital data cleaning of the meeting locations
Click here to view video demo
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capstone group project - contactless restaurant management service (crms)
React, React Native, Firestore, Firebase Authentication
Financial Payment Mangement Application
Java, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Thymeleaf
Application allows to save credit cards and manage payment profiles
Spring security for authorization, authentication, password reset and email verification features
Messaging feature for support communication between admin and users
Used Thymeleaf as template engine (with Bootstrap)
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Products API
Go, MongoDB, Gorilla Toolkit
REST API for creating, reading, updating, deleting & searching products written in Go
Data stored in MongoDB cloud (MongoDB Atlas)
Gorilla/mux used for URL routing and dispatching
API documented using Swagger (go-swagger)
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Equation Solver
Console Application to solve equations using order of operations
Outputs the steps taken to solve the equation
Solves equations by converting infix form to postfix form
Data Structures used: Stack (Linked List Representation)
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